Blade Runner 2049: Lennie James “The shooting was more secret than that of The Walking Dead”

Cinema 23 January, 2017

Blade Runner 2049 will be released at the cinema in October and if no spoiler was unveiled it is because the shooting was under high surveillance!
As we know, studios do not like too much when too much detail is revealed on their films before they go out in the dark rooms. What pleasure can the spectators take when going to see a film if they already know 90% of the plot? It is a risk that would not take the production of Blade Runner in 2049 since the shoot was very guarded and even the actors were not all freedoms. In any case what was said Lennie James, known for his portrayal of Morgan in the AMC series The Walking Dead , which still plays a mysterious role in the new chapter of Blade Runner with Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling .
Interviewed by Newsweek, he announced: ” When they offered me the role, I asked to read the script they sent me 20 pages before my character arrives and 20 pages after his departure it was.. On an application that I could only open on one device and I could not make a screenshot or a photo or save it They said ‘you have 36h’ and after 36h the script was gone ‘ . He continues: “Once on the set, we were given the script day by day and we had to make the evening they would not let us leave the board if we had not made the script It was crazy (… …) 9 hours after the end of filming, the script had disappeared from my Ipad ” . With a procedure like this, we hope that the script is awesome!