Caesarean section : the HAS fixed the rules of the medicalization of childbirth

Health 31 January, 2018


Published the 31.01.2018 at 12: 35


Keywords :


The issues of this recommendation HAS, are :

  • To meet the demand of women in terms of support less medicalized childbirth, respecting his conduct spontaneous ;
  • Improve and ensure the safety of the care of the mother and her child ;
  • Harmonize practices.

It was formerly the method of the last chance. Today, the caesarean section has become almost a fashion. An american study shows that this is not a technical purpose. 10 essential questions…

How many c-sections are performed in France each year ?

7 % of deliveries are by caesarean section, but the rate can climb up to 43 % in some regions. In total, more than 100 000 interventions per year.

Is this the same in other countries ?

France is in the average of Europe. With more acts in the Southern Europe, but also much less in the North.

In contrast, the United States will be blamed, including by the health authorities of the country. There, the caesarean section is so popular – 20 % of births – that in certain clinics in california, it is performed once on both ! Obvious abuse, condemned by the doctors, which seem, however, in these extreme cases, largely responsible for the popularization of the method with their clients.

Is it really essential ?

And in 7 of 10 cases, it could be avoided, according to the High authority of health.

What is the impact on the new-born ?

A hospital in Massachusetts has brought the evidence. This institution has put in place a policy of reducing the number of deliveries caused to the good will of the woman and her doctors by not permitting the caesarean section only to women who have already given birth vaginally with a cervix is favorable at 39 weeks of pregnancy to a minimum. Result : the rate of caesarean section has increased from 16 % to 7 % and the rate of admission of newborns to an intensive care unit from 3% to 2 %.

The caesarean section is at risk ?

According to the HAS, the caesarean section is not an act innocuous : it is associated with a risk of phlebitis, but also the risk of complications for future pregnancies.

A study, whose results are published in the online journal PLoS Medicine, comes to reinforce this analysis.

For three years, the researchers analyzed the progress of deliveries of more than 2,000 women, all term. They were followed for at least one year after the birth of their child. The researchers found that women who gave birth by caesarean section were less likely to have a descent of organs (prolapse), urinary incontinence, or fecal.
The researchers also studied what were the risks for the child. Those born vaginally had lower risk of developing asthma or be obese.

Cesarean section has an impact on the next pregnancies ?

The same study shows, in the longer term, a woman who gave birth by caesarean section have a higher risk of having infertility problems. But also at risk during pregnancy with a bad placement of the placenta, which can cause severe bleeding in the third quarter. The uterine rupture, and the birth of a stillborn child are other possible risks.
For these scientists, it was important to better understand the risks and benefits of this technique of delivery, in order to better inform women.

The c-section is it still useful ?

She deserves better than a polemic because it is a very simple intervention, which continues today to save a good number of children’s lives, for example, children of very premature infants. This is also the case when the mother’s life is threatened by a pregnancy would go to term – as in the case of a poorly controlled diabetes or high blood pressure very serious.

Most c-sections are scheduled ?

Yes, they should, which allows the choice of anesthesia as more and more mothers are choosing “local” to do nothing to lose the fun of the birth of their child. A birth that takes place in a little less than an hour through an incision horizontally the long hairs of the pubis, which will leave a scar, very solid and very aesthetic. Few complications… some infections and for some moms, especially in the case of general anesthesia, the beginning of the mother-child relationship is disturbed, bad experience. The return to the home, in the great majority of cases, in 5 to 6 days… almost like a normal delivery !

It was once said “caesarean section a day, caesarean section, still…” ?

Today, it is totally false. More than 60 % of women “césarisées” – who have a c-section, not to be confused with the actress who would have had a Caesar birth the next time normally.

It is said that it is because he is not born by natural means is that Caesar, the roman emperor, has given its name to the caesarean section ?

The reality is much less poetic… In fact, in latin, caesare, that is to say… cut ! Thus, it is because you have to cut the skin and the uterus, that this method of delivery became a c-section…