Caroline Receveur (Dance with the Stars) confides in the heavy liabilities of her deceased father

Entertainment 12 January, 2017

Barely Season 7 of Dancing with the Stars completed, Caroline confides in the death of his father and his fight against the disease.
We talk a lot about Caroline Receveur these days, and not necessarily good! Rumors say the unpleasant and announced not to participate in the tour of Dancing with the Stars . Fortunately, the old candidates have defended him to the apartment Gala , this Tuesday, January 10. The dancers gave their views on the attitude of Caroline Receveur, qualified candidate of “unbearable” in the media. Caroline Receveur does not have to worry, she is determined to go ahead, after a year 2016 strong emotions.
In the pages of Paris Match , Caroline Receveur confides on the relationship she had with her father and the long fight against the disease of the latter. Jacky was a professional footballer and “[her] superhero,” she says, but over time her health declines. “For a month, he has ants in his hands, drops glasses. But doctors do not take his symptoms seriously. Unfortunately, three weeks later, my father made a stroke, he was rushed to the hospital in Nancy. I go to find him but he no longer speaks. His gaze is no longer the same. ” She was 19 years old.
Nine years, Caroline observes his father recovering and going up the slope. Little by little, it finds the use of its members and begins to speak but everything has changed. Suffering from a deep depression, he murses himself in silence. “The depression gradually takes over. The man he was disappearing: overwhelmed by sadness, my father becomes violent. ” After a suicide attempt, he finally extinguished 29 May 2016 at the age of 66 years.
On the wrist of the blogger, one can notice a small flash in memory of her dad. It is certain that it “remains forever [his] guardian angel” but ” regret all [his] life he could [t] bring to the altar on the day of [their] marriage. ”