Dancing with the Stars: M Pokora refuses to “give the name of his girlfriend”

Entertainment 21 November, 2016

In full promo for his cover album of Claude François, M Pokora has agreed to answer questions from JDD this 20 November. Asked about his girlfriend, he would not give his name.

m-pokoraThere are some days guest in C to you with Lily-Rose Melody Depp , M Pokora nodded with conviction about the girl. The actress and muse Chanel deplored the fact that the fans did not understand that artists do not give them access to their private lives. The young singer and vowed to Dancing with the Stars drives the point.
In mid-November, on the set of Mad Mag on NRJ12 a facilitator ensured that M Pokora and Caroline Receveur had cracked one to the other . What disappoint fans of hordes of sex symbol peroxide . What stoke their curiosity too, and encourage them to find out if the woman actually had the audacity to cut off the grass underfoot. The journalist JDD have understood and attempted to carry out the investigation for they.
Bad luck, M Pokora has not been very cooperative . “Today, people no longer satisfied with what you give them on stage. As the years pass, the less I want to give my personal life. ” He began politely. ” I refuse to discuss my private life in interviews. Even if I can talk about my vision of the couple, I do not want to the name of my girlfriend. ” did he finally added, to close the debate, annoyed all the ” brides ” that we could invent him when he was just friends with whom he went out dinner.
The heart of M Pokora is therefore more likely to take, but we do not know who grabbed it. Whatever, if he is happy.