Enora Malagre / Muriel Cousin: the undertones of a clash

Entertainment 2 January, 2017

It was tense this weekend on twitter between Enora Malagré and Muriel Cousin. Everything started from a clip of the columnist as part of the Campaign #OsezDireNon of the road safety which answered quite virulently the director. But behind this “tweetclash” lies a much deeper enmity in the entourage of the two young women.

“But it is serious … what you had to do was say NO to your buddy and protect him !! Road safety is not to be connected … (…) It is not connected but A real put *** of sal * pe of conne. ” Rise against Enora Malagré, Muriel Cousin did not go with the back of the spoon last weekend on Twitter. Faced with the virulence of this attack, the columnist of TPMP was not slow to react. ” To all the morons like Muriel Cousin who insult me because I supposedly did not deter a friend from driving, here is my answer: what do you do, you, to raise awareness? Are you doing these prevention campaigns? Answer: No! So instead of tweeting from the bottom of your sofa, move, stop at that unreasonable drive that lacks discernment! It’s pathetic, there are limits! (…) It demonstrates sucks, we not show sucks! My god but shame on you! There is too much! We had obviously tried everything, I was not going to lie down! The key is the message. I love you . “If Muriel Cousin then moved on to Twitter, it seems he received many messages of TPMP aficionados hours following his message … ” I found the grand design of the sect #TPMP : eradicate spelling, syntax, conjugation, semantics … “did she wrote.