Experiment Schoolgirls from Denmark proved a serious danger Wi-Fi

Techno 27 March, 2018

2018-03-27 17:11

Experiment Schoolgirls from Denmark proved a serious danger Wi-Fi
Stay in the same room with the router affect the growth of seeds.

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Schoolgirls from Denmark conducted an experiment on the effect of wireless Internet and mobile phones on living organisms. The results of studies of young know-it-all interested biological scientists, and radiologists, according to Rus.Media.

Problems with the focus of attention is on the lessons prompted students ninth grade and to conduct a study. It turned out that the girls sleep with cell phones near your head.

For the experiment in 12 trays laid out 400 seeds, watercress, and placed six trays in two rooms. Seeds received the same amount of moisture and light. For the experiment, in one room placed Wi-Fi routers, the type of radiation which coincides with mobile phones.

After 12 days, the result of the study shocked the girls, teachers and… scientists. Sprouts from seeds in the room with the routers looked much worse than that of the sprouts in another room. Part of germs were killed.

“It’s scary. Shocked by this result”, says Lea Nielsen, a participant of the experiment. “No one sleeps next to a mobile phone. The phone is far away or in another room. And the computer is turned off,” — said the schoolgirl.

Noted studies Schoolgirls Olle Johansson, Professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Scientist and Professor Marie-Claire Kummert from Belgium intend to repeat the experience.

“Despite the inexperience, the girls skillfully developed and implemented an elegant experiment. The accuracy and richness of detail considered exemplary, and the choice of watercress did right.”

Participating in the experiment, the Professor was invited to pursue a research career, noting that “I would like to see such people in his team”. “It was so cool! Still can’t believe it!” says Lea.