Fear the walking dead season 3: Soon a death in a new episode of “Passage”?

Cinema 28 November, 2016

While a new episode of season 7 of The Walking Dead was aired last night, AMC also unveiled Chapter 7 of its web series Passage and things get complicated for survivors …

fear-the-walking-dead-saison-3-passage-webserieWhile we showed you last week as tension mounts in the webseries Fear Passage of The Walking Dead , the new webisode this week continues this and may well have marked the imminent death of Colton, the boyfriend of Gabi that monitors the famous tunnel. Indeed, while Sierra and Gabi came to and have well found Colton who had them to safety in the tunnel, he refuses to return Sierra pretext that she could talk about refuge to other survivors that once it will exit. Far from being a novice in battle, Sierra defends quickly and efficiently to the point of hurting Colton before disappearing into the tunnel . This does not bode well for continued since if the few survivors who are in the web series are already fighting, one wonders how they will move forward in the following.
Mistrust is in any case already in the appointment and still have to wait a week to see if Colton succeed nevertheless to slip into the tunnel to join Gabi. This risk in any case to be surprised by this turn of events, even if we admit that we had a few saw coming. We must say we beginning to know the universe of The Walking Dead and especially the different reactions people have to survival. This again raises the question of how these characters will be included in Season 3 of The Walking Fear Dead and it is prudent to begin attaching us and / or interested in them knowing that there is no guarantee they will actually have a role in the sequel . However it is hoped that it could be another group that fall Madison, Alicia and Travis near the border between the United States and Mexico as it could revive a little series. While waiting to know what will happen to them, our review of episode 6 of season 7 of The Walking Dead is online melty! And you, what do you think?