I think the stress just anxiety? You’d be surprised what it does to your brain! – Ukr.Media

Techno 3 April, 2018

2018-04-03 15:13

I think the stress just anxiety? You’d be surprised what it does to your brain!
It’s much more serious than you thought.

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Stress affects your brain much stronger than you think. Of course, you felt forgetfulness, inattention, anxiety, and other negative factors, which were the result of stress. But did you know that this reduces brain volume? Hormones secreted in response to stress not only affect brain function, but also change its physical structure, reports Rus.Media.

Cortisol – the “stress hormone” – can reduce and stop the generation of new neurons in one of the parts of the brain, the hippocampus. The hippocampus has the dominating role in learning, memory and emotional regulation and is also responsible for disabling reaction to stress. In short, the hippocampus regulates vital processes in professional and personal life.

Chronic stress reduces the volume of the medial prefrontal cortex. This adversely affects the capabilities of decision-making, concentration and control impulsive behavior. Stress can also affect stem cells, inhibiting access to the prefrontal cortex, where planuota cognitive behaviour and social scenarios. As a result, the brain less able to learn and remember, but more prone to anxiety and depression.

What’s worse, these same stress hormones can increase the volume of the amygdala, which is crucial in the formation and storage of emotional ties. This is the connection of events and feelings, which is stored in long term memory, so we can avoid repeating certain events in the future. Increase the level of cortisol increases negative emotions – fear, anxiety, aggressiveness.

These changes in the brain can have significant consequences for our ability to interact with other people, learning, remembering, decision-making and long-term goals. They also complicate the management of stressful situations in the future, leading to a vicious circle.

Fortunately, was found very effective against these changes – exercise. They will help to build a stress-resistant brain and increase its size and the ability to learn.

Physical exercises stimulate the release of a substance called “brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which helps in the development of healthy brain tissue and compensate the negative effects of stress. Think of it as a fertilizer for the brain. It keeps existing neurons alive and healthy and also stimulates the growth of new. The more you do it, the more BDNF you make, and the more neurons are generated – especially in the hippocampus.

Also exercise release human growth hormone (HGH) which is vital to the growth and development of brain cells and the entire body. HGH counteracts the natural cellular atrophy and increases the volume of the brain. Thirty-second spurt in the sprint can generate a six-fold increase in the body with the peak in 2 hours.

Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with the clock to get all these benefits. A recent analysis of a dozen studies has shown that five-minute periods of physical exercises help to enhance mood and fight stress. Whenever you have a few free minutes, do something that raises your heart rate and strengthens muscles. This is a great and constructive way of dealing with stress and reducing brain!

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