If the series Deadpool with Donald Glover has been cancelled, it is the fault of Marvel

Cinema 5 August, 2018






Inevitably, if you tell us Deadpool animated series, written and performed by the brilliant Donald Glover, you know what happens : Kikitoudur. Except that it would really pick up for not a great thing because at the end, it will not happen.

And it is a shame, because the attempt to properly adapt Deadpool cartoon was beautiful. Then, with Donald Glover at the helm, it would be more along the lines of Archer crossed with South Park as a nice cartoon super-hero. And it is perhaps this that has stuck even if the official version stated that the actor did not have the time to work on the project. A version disputed by Donald Glover himself, who had thrown a “For your information, I’m not too busy for me to take care of Deadpool, who wanted to speak.


THE Donald Glover


While it was thought to be at the level of the Fox, which had broadcast the program, that this coinçait, probably too frightened to face the carnage of morality who was, the boss of the Fox network, John Landgraff comes today to tell to the micro Variety that this is not his company that did not want Donald Glover but Marvel :

“They didn’t want to do the program that Donald and Stephen Glover had written. We would have done, but the decision was not our task. When Marvel decided not to do the series, we have stopped working with them, as did Donald and Stephen.”



Unfortunately, we do not know the reason for the refusal even if the reaction of Donald Glover at the time of the cancellation of the series may be a clue. In fact, he had leaked one of the scenarios of an episode to be aware of the angle of approach and seen the valves on the Marvel that sells toys for kids of 7 years and child abusers 50 years of age, you may be beginning to see what is wrong.

It is a pity, it could have been very funny. Have to believe that this is more fashion…