“It’s the pee pee de chat “, Emmanuel Macron a-t-he rebuked his ministers ? – Gala

Entertainment, Techno 31 July, 2017


With a very sharp drop in his popularity in the polls, Emmanuel Macron tries to cope. And the main targets are his ministers that he would have pointed the finger at the Council of ministers that took place on July 12.

“It is the pee of cat, which makes up for it in some of your notes “, would have launched Emmanuel Macron to his ministers at the Council of ministers on 12 July, according to le Figaro. A reproach imaged that would not go unnoticed. The president of the Republic is not in her best posture, after the recent controversies that surround it : resignation unexpectedly the chief of the defence staff Pierre de Villiers in parallel to the decrease in the budget of the armed forces, reduction of housing assistance and goodwill from some members LREM. The president of the Republic has also been criticized by users shortly after the release of photos taken on the military base of Istres while he was dressed as a fighter pilot. In short, the time has come for Emmanuel Macron to make a point and to advise his less experienced ministers : ” Do not let yourself be locked up in the comfort of the documents prepared by your authorities. Admittedly, this may seem nice and comfortable to place yourself in their hands. But you will see, in six months, if you continue, you will be gone. “

According to the newspaper le Figaro, Emmanuel Macron is hoping to ” reconsider its approach “ to try to regain some points in the polls. But the latest study published by the Fifg should not rejoice… 54% of French are satisfied with his action, compared with 64 % last June. As a reminder, François Hollande, at the same time there were 56% satisfaction.

Photo credit – Giancarlo Gorassini / BestImage

Emmanuel Macron, François Hollande

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