Kylie Jenner unveils her “breakfast of champions”

Entertainment 4 January, 2017

Kylie Jenner has unveiled new beauty secrets as well as her breakfast of “champions” that she prepares every morning. Discover immediately all the details!
Kylie Jenner, who unveiled his new tattoo for Tyga , is on everyone’s lips. Everything she touches turns into gold and she would almost shade her scandalous sisters. Kylie Jenner, hence successes and it can also be said that many women would do anything to have his body dream. To add a new string to his bow, Kylie Jenner’s also a great cook and loves to prepare food for friends and family. To our delight, the little sister of Kim Kardashian has revealed his “Breakfast of Champions” she makes and she takes every morning. Do not worry, we all can reproduce at home , there’s not rocket science. Immediately discover what gives him fishing for the whole day!
Breakfast is sacred and Kylie Jenner has understood. Big fan of cooking, little sister Kendall Jenner revealed on its application and on-site: “I really love being at home and cook for my friends and my family, especially breakfast.” She added that she was called “Breakfast of Champions” : “I’m doing the same meal every morning because it’s amazing and it’s the favorite of T. He always demand.” . But what is it? Well according to the star: “I cook eggs and rice together in a pan (sometimes I also add cheese) and in a separate pan, I fry the sausage with a little olive oil for about 13 -15 minutes until it is cooked … and voila! ” . An easy recipe to follow, all you have to do is cook. Meanwhile tomorrow morning to test, discover that Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian is the richest! What do you think of his breakfast?