Pokemon Go: A new bug drains the battery even more than before

Techno 4 January, 2017

Watch the players! A new bug seems to drain the battery more consistently since the last update of Pokemon Go …
It’s been a few days since Pokemon Go is in full event for the holidays. First, there was the Christmas event, from 25 December to 3 January : this event has enabled many players to get incubators daily Johto Pokemon babies had a birth rate more High, the incense lasted 1h instead of the usual 30 minutes, etc … Moreover, from 30 December and until 8 January, the starters of Kanto (Salamèche, Carapuce, Bulbizarre) appear more often in the wild! The latest update to Pokemon Go will have established this event and will generally be good news for trainers around the world. However, with this update, a bug has interfered in the game, and this bug is particularly crippling since still consumes more battery!

Thus, since the last update, many players of Pokemon Go have seen a greater drainage of their phone battery. After various manipulations, the players in question have noticed that simply turning on the quiet implementation would replace the various notifications by vibrations, which significantly increases the battery consumption over time . It is also possible, in some cases, that even after reducing the application, it starts vibrations when you cross a Pokemon or a Pokestop. Be careful now, when you play Pokemon Go, to leave them sounds in the game, at least to win some drums … We also invite you to discover here the first rumors about the next update for Pokemon Go , hoping Niantic solve the problem … what do you think?