Prince Harry joins his girlfriend Meghan Markle at Kensington Palace

Entertainment 17 February, 2017

The girlfriend of Prince Harry has just been seen shopping in London, until then nothing extraordinary except that once finished, Meghan Markle steals through a door but not any, that of Kensington Palace.

Yesterday after the media hype caused by Kensington Palace’s formalization last Tuesday of the relationship between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, British newspapers announced that the 35-year-old woman was determined to take a week’s vacation, Expecting to live it right away, speculating here and there about a leak of the couple left to go green.

Story to relieve the pressure that the 35-year-old actress has been living for several weeks now, but also and above all to escape the harassment of Prince William’s brother and his companion.

Thinking gaze away from the rest of the earth only to plunge in that of her beloved royal , Meghan Markle has however made a mistake, that of hope to go shopping in London without being hounded by the British paparazzi . Big mistake ! Although wearing a cap and a hoodie, the young woman was photographed on her return from racing.

And this is where the news is worth its weight in gold since it took the direction of Kensington Palace to disappear after having borrowed one of the side doors of the royal residence.

Thus, after the formalization of their relationship, a new and important step in the history of a couple that could soon announce an engagement … and all that follows.