Quantico Season 2: Episode 15, Dead SPOILER? Our criticism

Cinema 29 March, 2017

Last night, episode 15 of season 2 of Quantico was broadcast on ABC. So it’s time to discover our review of “MOCKINGBIRD” and the promotional video of episode 16!
If last week, a new team of shock was formed in episode 14 of season 2 of Quantico , in this episode 15, she managed to work together and especially to appreciate. “MOCKINGBIRD” was rather successful and brought us a great teamwork. The melac editor offers you to discover immediately his criticism of the episode 14 of season 2 of Quantico . “MOCKINGBIRD” opens on a small town evacuated because of an explosion. If all of his people have to leave their house, Alex, Ryan and all the other members of the team will soon realize that this is all a hoax, but why? Everyone gives his version but unfortunately, Nimah n ‘ Is not listened to and Clay does everything to make her understand that she is not welcome within the group. Shelby lied to Caleb’s brother by telling her she had a boyfriend (Leon) . One can only wonder about these two characters. A certain connection seems to be created and one senses a certain sexual tension between them. If we did not know the past of Shelby with the men of this family one could appreciate this romance, but there after the brother and the father, it would be really too much! Examine these two characters. A certain connection seems to be created and one senses a certain sexual tension between them. If we did not know the past of Shelby with the men of this family one could appreciate this romance, but there after the brother and the father, it would be really too much! Examine these two characters. A certain connection seems to be created and one senses a certain sexual tension between them. If we did not know the past of Shelby with the men of this family one could appreciate this romance, but there after the brother and the father, it would be really too much!
Once the team understood that the explosion and evacuation were false, she went to the site to try to understand what Greenpool was looking for in that city. A little lost, Ryan, Alex, Shelby, Harry and Dayana do not know where to look. Fortunately, Nimah who was set aside for the mission by Clay, researched and understood that they were not looking for an object but rather a person. Alex and Ryan came across this young woman who happens to be a creator of false news for the government. These men were determined to kill her to camouflage the stories . Alex and Ryan managed to rescue her through teamwork and above all thanks to Nimah. It has succeeded in proving that ” She has as much room as the others and she is a great ally in this season 2 of Quantico . Back to The Farm where Clay and Owen decided to lie to their recruits. They made them believe that Malory had joined a witness protection program when not at all, she just had to run away so they thought their mission was a success … What they do not know, Is that Dayana has heard everything and that this mini treason should soon burst open!
Alex and Ryan , on their side, were more distant . Alex made him understand that she did not want him to wait for her and that they would not get together again in the immediate future. She is ready to get back on the market and we can say that Ryan is also in the season 2 of Quantico. Sasha, the journalist researched him and blackmailed him. In the end, if this story started badly, they quickly fell under the spell of each other and Ryan even invited him to dinner . Will he soon forget his first love? It’s possible. In any case, the tension in the group has relaxed and at the end of this episode 15 of season 2 of Quantico, Is found in their bar fetish and took advantage of this moment of rest together. Moreover, Harry joined the team and it delights us. But beware, “MOCKINGBIRD” ended shockingly. While Shelby was trying to contact Leon, we found him emptying his blood in his bathtub . Those who kidnapped him also wanted to kill him, but is he really killed? Poor Leo … Who was after him? Business to follow but the video promo of the episode 16 of the season 2 of Quantcio , announces to us the heavy one. There will be sacrifices and Shelby will face Caleb. Finally ! We were a bit disappointed not to see it in episode 15, but it should arrive quickly! Waiting, Find out if Alex will have a new love interest in this season 2 of Quantico! What did you think of this episode?