Resolutions: drop in popularity for the subscriptions to the gym

News 3 January, 2018
  • Archival Photo Daniel Mallard

    Jean Houle

    Wednesday, 3 January 2018 18:15

    Wednesday, 3 January 2018 18:17

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    The arrival of the new year is often accompanied by the taking of one or several resolutions, including one to do more physical activity.

    However, the training centres do not see the same traffic as in the past. While some gyms could recruit 15 % of their annual members in January, this figure has shrunk by half in recent years.

    “People are now aware of the year in the virtues of physical activity,” explained Katy Potvin, the director of énergie Cardio in the borough of Jonquière, in the Saguenay, in an interview with TVA News. It is accessible for mr. and mrs. All-the-world and our job is to ensure they set realistic goals while allowing them to have fun.”

    Among the clients of the training centre, we find Julie Larocque, 28 years old, who has been training since 4 years.

    “I started off as a good slap in the face”, she told. I was looking at pictures of me and I didn’t like the “feel”, or the number on the scale”, which had reached 290 pounds. His efforts have helped him lose 70 pounds.

    The determination of the young woman has overcome the fears she had at the time of the attack in its first exercises in the gym.

    “For me, it isolates it and I listen to the music to cut me out of the world. In a centre, there are people with bodies very different. It works every man for himself,” explained the young woman.

    “When I feel that my motivation decreases, I look at my old photos,” she added.

    For his part, Louis Sabourin hauling excess weight, fed poorly and was smoking 25 years ago. He has never lost his motivation, once converted to the training.

    “This is the best pill that ever gave me”, exclaimed the man, 63-year-old.

    More and more companies negotiate now discount for the registration of their employees.

    “Entrepreneurs understand that an employee is more productive and less often sick!”, said one of the coaches of the centre, France Gaudreault.