Scientists have learned the recipe correctly, praise the child

Techno 24 September, 2017

2017-09-23 17:34

Scientists have learned the recipe correctly, praise the child
Extra evaluation of the mental activity of the child may lead to dependence on praise, with persistent negative consequences.

An international group of psychologists during studies have shown the danger of wrong praise the emerging personality of children, reports Rus.Media. Extra evaluation of the mental activity of the child may lead to dependence on praise, with persistent negative consequences.

During large-scale experiments, scientists have found the line that should separate wrongful zakalivanie from a sober assessment of the real achievements of the children. The motivational component of praise known for a long time and it is difficult to overestimate. Children who grow up in an atmosphere of constant criticism, with time, develop a lot of complexes, which in adulthood can become a trigger for antisocial actions. At the same time frequent and not always objective zakalivanie produces selfishness and dependence on the positive assessment of abilities.

A healthy child’s self-esteem depends on the wording. For example, the phrase “you’re a very clever boy”, in addition to verbal expression contains no specifics, and therefore is only an irritant for vanity. But the words “well done, you’re good” as a reaction to the practical activity of the child enshrines children’s desire to continue to seek credit for through practical action.