Sophie Davant scammed by anti-aging creams

Entertainment 3 January, 2017

Sophie Davant is the victim of scams and wants to alert the viewers. A dermatological brand would use, without its agreement, its image to tout the merits of an anti-aging cream.

In issuing this program , broadcast on France 2 on Tuesday Sophie Davant made an important announcement. She wished to explain to the viewers that a cosmetic brand used its face wrongly in order to highlight its dermatological products. Problem, the TV presenter has never been contacted by this company to achieve this advertising even less to praise the merits of any rejuvenating cream. ” I never paid me for this kind of exercise, so pay attention, scam! ” , Has warned interested.
So, to try to solve the problem and avoid the spread of unfounded rumors, all are asked to redouble vigilance on the Internet. And if possible, send to France Television images of these false advertisements if they were to fall over, or if they were receiving in their inbox. Comments also supported by lawyer and columnist Roland Perez. The chain will then take the necessary procedures to contact and then file a complaint against these abusive people.