Star Wars Rogue One: A new unexpected Easter Egg unveiled by Gareth Edwards

Cinema 28 March, 2017

You thought you’d discovered all the Easter Eggs in Star Wars: Rogue One? Yet, it is unlikely that you spotted the one unveiled by Gareth Edwards!
It’s been more than three months since Star Wars: Rogue One has landed on our screens, taking everything in its path with its war narrative and her new heroine’s temperament. And even though the time has passed, we keep talking about it, proof that this first spin-off had a great effect on us! For if we thought it had been dissecting it long, broad and cross, it turns out that the film has in fact not yet revealed all its secrets. Melty has taught you just recently that Dark Vador was originally supposed to kill one of the main characters at the end of Star Wars: Rogue One , namely Orson Krennic. But besides the different versions of the scenario, Gareth Edwards, the director, And his writers also point out to us all the little details that escaped us – and what does it matter how many times we saw the movie! There is in particular a visual element which appears very briefly in the image but which is nevertheless in direct relation with … the swords-lasers of Jedi and their manufacture . Obviously, as you probably know, this famous detail has something to do with Jedha and the provenance of the kyber crystals!
In an interview for Collider, Gareth Edwards revealed that the city of Jedha was built … in a crater formed by a meteorite crashing on the moon of the same name millions of years ago. And it is the impact caused by the meteorite that actually caused the creation of kyber crystals! He explains: ” Some of the things we’ve done are actually visual clues to ideas that maybe no one will ever notice … If you look at the first image where you see Jedha, There is a gigantic circular rock formation around it.The idea is that a meteorite fell on Jedha and that the impact was so powerful that it led to the creation of the kyber crystals. Then Jedha became the only place in the galaxy where there is such a large density of kyber crystals, which the Jedi need to shape their lightabers. Because of this impact, Jedha became a kind of holy city. But it happened millions of years ago . “This explains the appearance of the city, which seems to emerge from the desert, as well as the presence of the Temple where the famous crystals were.
However, it must be admitted, seeing Jedha for the first time, obviously we have not made the comparison! So when Gareth Edwards finishes by saying, ” We tried to tell this story in this first image, where we see this circular formation whose heart is the city of Jedha . “, We want to tell him that we lacked a few elements to find out. But this also proves that Star Wars: Rogue One, whose alternative end has been unveiled , is full of references and visual details that enrich the universe of the intergalactic saga. Whether you notice them, finally, or not.