Star Wars The Last Jedi: John Boyega reveals the fate of Leia (Carrie Fisher)

Entertainment 4 August, 2017

Here is a little info released by John Boyega, Finn’s interpreter in the new Star Wars trilogy. The latter revealed the fate of Leia in Star Wars 8, interpreted by the late Carrie Fisher.

Several months ago we left actress Carrie Fisher, unforgettable Leia for millions of fans of the famous movie franchise Star Wars. Before her sad death, the actress had been able to record her scenes in Star Wars The Last Jedi, which should resemble the other episodes of the saga according to her director . A question remained unanswered: what was to become the character of Leia, now that Carrie Fisher could not camp the latter (which could have been present in episode 9)? In an interview for ABC News , the actor behind Finn, John Boyega, revealed the fate of the emblematic character of the original trilogy .

John Boyega made revelations!
WARNING ! The rest of the article contains SPOILERS. If you wish to keep the surprise, we advise you to CLOSE THE PAGE (or rather to read another article …). John Boyega told ABC News ” Carrie Fisher and I have a lot of scenes in episode VIII.” This film bids her farewell in a beautiful way. All the beauty comes from the fact that she is kept alive in the franchise In a sense, she lives forever . ” A statement that should reassure fans worried about Leia’s fate in Star Wars The Last Jedi, of which a mysterious first synopsis was revealed .