Benicio Del Toro

Star Wars 8, The Last Jedi: Does Benicio Del Toro play Rey’s father? The new theory!

If Rey's father was actually ... played by Benicio Del Toro in Star Wars 8? If it was related to the Star Wars: Rebels series? It is in any case the ...

10 February, 2017
The Avengers 3 Infinity War: The Collector confirmed at the cast

And one more! As if the cast was already not important enough, here Benicio Del Toro, aka Le Collectionneur, is added!
And if The Avengers 3: ...

9 February, 2017
The whims of actors sometimes prove to be a good thing

It is believed to know the whims and other slippages of some. Sometimes they were hallucinating, while others were right to insist. Examples.
Val ...

9 February, 2017