The emotion of David Ginola face the firefighters who he “saved my life”

Entertainment 15 November, 2016

A busy weekend in emotions for David Ginola: Sunday, November 13, former footballer went to meet the firefighters who saved his life after his cardiac arrest in May.

davidginolaHe was ” moved to meet Alexia Hutch and Cedric Paoli, who are part of this valuable group that saved his life .” David Ginola shared her excitement on Twitter Sunday, while he was reviewing for the first time since the tragedy firefighters who helped him survive his heart attack in May. The former footballer, who now officiates as leader (of France is an incredible talent , in particular), appears almost in tears on the photographs he has published on the internet. He knows that without early intervention and effective of these saviors, he could die before his friends Olivier Girault and M. Pokora , present at the accident. The singer has also provided first aid to David Ginola , which greatly increased its chances of survival.
After being rescued, the father of blogger Carla Ginola had been placed in an artificial coma, before undergoing surgery. He had relied pretty quickly: David Ginola had indeed found a few weeks later before the cameras of M6 to provide coverage of Euro 2016. He has been campaigning for for everyone to learn the first aid , even those who have saved in May.