The Walking Dead Season 7: Why does she lied to Enid Maggie and Sasha?

Cinema 21 November, 2016

A few hours after the broadcast of episode 5 of season 7 of The Walking Dead, one wonders why Enid lied to Sasha and Maggie in “Go Getters”.

the-walking-dead-saison-7-episode-5-go-gettersJust a few hours, episode 5 of season 7 of The Walking Dead was broadcast on AMC and our criticism is already available on melty. In “Go Getters”, we had the pleasure of finding Maggie healthy the Hill, along with Sasha. But that’s not all because the episode also showed us the little journey of Carl and Enid who insisted ensure that Maggie was fine. While the girl wanted to stay in the Hill to help Maggie and Sasha, Carl has meanwhile insisted leave with the Saviors they saw being loaded what they had to fly to the community. After the Glenn died and Abraham, Carl listened to his desire for revenge to sneak into one of the trucks – and there find that Sasha Jesus sent on a mission to find out exactly where the shrine is located . Once seated at table with Maggie and Sasha and despite its fun to find them, Enid has yet very little hesitant to lie to them about Carl.
When Sasha asked Enid if she came alone Alexandria, Enid says yes and finds herself with Jesus, the only one to know where Carl went. Why did she lie? Several answers seem possible. The first is that she knows that if she told the truth, Maggie will want to go and tell Rick and it is very likely that it tries to find the Sanctuary and launch an attack himself, unprepared and without the necessary weapons. If Rick never came to listen to his right, it could be even worse as it would end up having to wait patiently for the return of his son with nothing really to do. Moreover Enid may be said that so few people knew Carl left with the Saviors, few people were likely to admit fear or stress and is therefore somewhat protect Carl as keep his secret location. Certainly the reasoning is a bit wobbly but who knows what could happen in the spirit of Enid when she was questioned by Sasha …
It may also be that Enid had panicked and that its mysterious nature has taken over. The girl has always been quite reserved and hesitant to share information. His lie therefore may have been a reflex to prevent Maggie and Sasha would ask her why she did not try to dissuade Carl or why it has not prevented the earliest. We imagine that this lie could, however, cost him dearly if Rick had to learn because we know how the Saviors Negan and can be dangerous . Maybe Enid will decide to tell the truth if it learns that Jesus himself is also party to the Shrine, and we hope so they will return both safely from their little adventure. While waiting to learn more about AMC , discover the answer to Scott Gimple to the theory that Rick and Daryl have communicated in Morse in episode 4 of Season 7 of The Walking Dead. And you, what pensez- you?