Vanessa Burggraf, under the charm, openly flirts with Vianney in “We are not lying”

Entertainment 19 December, 2016

Although we know the bitter and biting, Vanessa Burggraf was found Saturday night on the set of ONPC, d esarçonnee by the sweet voice and the sympathy of Vianney singer. Completely under the spell, the journalist alternated laughter embarrassed and blushing.

This Saturday we’re not lying, Vanessa Burggraf gave his opinion on the album Vianney guest on the program. ” These are words of a boy your age who discovered the first stirrings of love, so I think it’s cute ” , she launched somewhat simpering. But enough anyway for Laurent Ruquier the suspect to dredge the singer of 25 years : ” My word, she picks! Come and see an expert, come see a cougar! T’y kid know nothing ” has he launched the singer. What Vanessa Burggraf, naughty, retorted: ” I’ll show you! “.
Intimidated, Vianney has however reacted with undisguised advances columnist : ” It’s all in the eyes. Vanessa has a look like an endless corridor, that is attractive and very scary ” . A love declaration ?
” Oh dear it is happening something” dropped Lawrence Ruquier astonished to witness a real crush on the set of One is not lying , before some jokes between two-way fuse guests on the ” new couple “. ” I feel very wise ” finally answered the interpreter Not there , facing the seductive attitude Vanessa Burggraf, triggering the general hilarity.