9 magic phrases that will make even the most obedient naughty child

Techno 20 February, 2018

2018-02-20 20:23

9 magic phrases that will make even the most obedient naughty child
Try it, it works!

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The polite request is the best way to get the man that you need, reports Rus.Media.

Everyone likes to turn to them with good words, and children are no exception.

It would seem that this is obvious. Then why are we so often talk with their children differently? Why do we often forget that children understand words differently than adults?

Here are examples of the magic phrases that will allow you to achieve much better results in education:

1. Instead Of: “Faster!”

Say, “ready… Set… Go!”

2. Instead of: “If you don’t eat lunch, you won’t get dessert” (threat).

Say: “If you can handle that piece of meat on the table will be something that you really love” (promise).

3. Instead of: “Clean the room!”

Say, “Let’s play magician! Make the whole mess disappear!”

4. Instead of: “don’t bother me!”

Say, “I’m busy(a), but if you wait five minutes, can I play with you?”

5. Child wants to wear a favorite shirt, but it is dirty?

Instead of: “Wear the other, the need to wash it!”

Say, “How would you like to go in this t-shirt? Don’t you know that this is a very beautiful color?”

6. Instead of: “get Down, go to sleep!”

Say: “do you know a story about a Prince that…”

7. Instead of: “Listen to me, and not be punished!” (threat).

Say, “Why are you doing this? You know that this is not good” (an invitation to dialogue).

8. Instead Of: “Shut Up!” (roughly).

Say, “let’s leave this conversation, but for now, tell me… (name the topic you want to discuss it)” (politely).

9. Instead of: “How many times do I have to repeat myself?!”

Think about it: what is the mistake of the child? It’s your choice to repeat or not! Better to say once, but clearly, and if the child will not listen, then she is to blame for the consequences.

Perhaps, after reading these nine tips, you think that, in practice, relationships with children is much more difficult than in words. Of course, you are right: it is always easier to say than to do. But is that a reason not to?

Try to put yourself in the place of the child, to talk to her calmly and find a polite expression, do it consistently, and the result will not keep itself waiting long!

How do you talk to that child?