Bust of Yuri Gagarin appeared in Antarctica In the World : Vladim

News 23 February, 2018

Antarctica was the opening of the monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The ceremony was held at the Russian station “Progress” on February 23. The installation of a monument to Gagarin initiated the Foundation “Dialogue of cultures – United world”.


The event was held in the presence of 63 participants of the first Russian expedition to the South pole and their Chinese colleagues from the station “Zong Shan”. Also the unveiling of a bust visited the polar station “Bharati” from India. Those present greeted the President of the Fund Ruslan Bayramov. He said that he was glad to address a welcome speech to the bold people that open up bust of first human in space, the outstanding hero, the defender of the Fatherland Day. He added that the mission of the explorers is largely similar to the feat of Yuri each day who visited the coolest on the continent they are working for the benefit of all people in the world, facing adversity and retaining the proud title of “man.”

According to him, all present are pioneers, as the famous Gagarin. Outdoor in Antarctica bust was 45 on account of the monument erected in honor of space explorers. A monument to the astronaut with the most charming smile have installed in 30 countries of the world. Before it became known that the monument to the Soviet cosmonaut opened in the United States. It was established in Colorado springs, in a building owned by a Charity space Fund.

The bust was handed over to the Russian polar explorers at the end of last year. The monument was taken on the ship “Academician Fedorov” set sail from the coast of St. Petersburg. A ship’s crew also participated in the installation of the monument.