Budget Leitao 2018: 225.9 Million$ for flooding and a water strategy

News 27 March, 2018
  • File Photo Martin Alarie
    Over 5300 homes were flooded in the spring of 2017, as well as here in Saint-Placide, at the edge of the Ottawa river.

    QMI agency

    Tuesday, 27 march, 2018 21:17

    Tuesday, 27 march 2018 21:25

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    QUÉBEC | The government Couillard wants to give itself the means to live the tragic episode of last year’s floods and will inject 225,9 million $ over the next few years to reduce the risk as well as for the development of a québec strategy for the water.

    Thus, a little more than $ 81 million will be spent over the next few years to better equip and prepare the province in the face of floods.


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    The government wishes to improve the scientific knowledge on climate change and ensure a better presence in civil safety and fire safety in the province. Quebec is of the opinion that the municipalities should be better prepared to deal with the claims and put $ 55 million, among other things, to this effect.

    Not far from $ 46 million will go to an envelope to ensure the safe operation of the approximately 760 public dams and the other dams in the municipal sector. The money will go especially to municipalities who have a need to maintain the dams for which they are responsible.


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    The government Couillard has also provided $ 27.6 million over five years for the project Info-Flood, which shall delineate the flood zones in the mapping, among others. This is one of the measures that had been agreed at the Forum last year’s Floods.

    “The implementation of this forecast system in real time will provide the authorities with a map of areas that could be flooded,” said one.

    Québec also wishes to support the environmental organizations and increasing to $ 3.3 million annually for his help.

    In addition, the québec strategy for water, which will be launched in the next few months will, according to Quebec, “to protect and manage the water” in a sustainable way. There is even talk of a”blue economy”.

    “With tens of thousands of rivers and more than three million bodies of water, the Québec possesses 3 % of the reserves in renewable fresh water of the planet and nearly 40 % of all this water is concentrated in the river basin of the St. Lawrence”, can we read in the budget.


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