The community wants to continue the Oblates

News 28 March, 2018
  • Photo Magalie Lapointe
    Bryan Mark
    Aboriginal leader

    Magalie Lapointe

    Wednesday, 28 march, 2018 01:00

    Wednesday, 28 march, 2018 01:00

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    UNAMEN SHIPU | The Innu of Unamen Shipu are considering to continue with the Oblates for the sexual and physical assaults committed by father Alexis Joveneau and in which The Journal reported since Friday.

    The procedures for prosecution are in their infancy. Chef Bryan Mark and his advisers have made a call to the lawyer Alain Arsenault to find out if there is a possibility of lawsuit or collective action against the congregation of the Oblates, who was in charge of Alexis Joveneau.

    Me Arsenault is also in the Basse-Côte-Nord to meet with victims.

    In recent years, several religious congregations have been affected by such proceedings.

    For example, in July 2014, a judge ordered the priests redemptorists to pay $ 17 million to their victims.

    The beginning of the mandate difficult

    Mr. Mark, who began his term as chief in the community of Unamen Shipu in the month of August last, has never thought that he would in the face of such denunciations. According to him, the secret of the Innu has been too long kept.

    “Before, people were talking about it, but on the sly. No one dared to stand up and denounce officially. With the testimonies heard in the framework of the national Survey of women and girls missing and murdered aboriginal, it opened a door, it makes them realize what they have lived “, said chief Bryan Mark.