Budget Leitao: the “finger of honor of the government face the electorate”

News 28 March, 2018
  • Photo screenshot
    The vice-chief and the leader of the Parti québécois, Véronique Hivon and Jean-François Lisée

    Marie-Renée Grondin

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 13:34

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 13:34

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    The leader of the Parti québécois (PQ), Jean-François Lisée, didn’t go of dead hand, to criticize the budget Leitao filed Tuesday.

    Brandishing a chart illustrating the expenditures of the government during its years in power, the leader of the official opposition has put the focus on the image that is drawn on the table with the fluctuations of expenditure, which is akin to a “finger of honour”.

    “They have accumulated a surplus during those years. And the two red points, there is what is called the finger of honor of the government face the electorate, it is the spending of fireworks to win the election,” he said in question period.

    A little earlier, in the press briefing, Mr. Lisée said he is “revolted” by the candy election of the government, paid for with “human suffering”.

    “The government, this year, so all the world almost gets a piece of candy. But it has been paid for by human suffering here and it’s going to be paid for by human suffering, there,” he protested.

    “There is a deficit of compassion, there is a surplus of cynical electioneering, and then it returns in a deficit of compassion programmed”, he also hammered home by adding “three years of suffering, a year of candy, three years of suffering, a year of sweets, this is the liberal plan for the decades to come.”