A canadian sculptor Mark Prent fly to Montreal

News 28 March, 2018

    QMI agency

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 13:31

    Wednesday, 28 march 2018 13:31

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    A canadian sculptor Mark Prent has recently been stolen from an art gallery in montreal.

    “It was stolen just during opening hours. People are presented on-site, probably more than one person, because the work was still quite visible from the point where the head was installed,” said Eric Braün, gallery Usine 106u, in an interview with LCN, Wednesday.

    According to Mr. Braün, someone made a diversion while the thief has entered the work that was behind a pane of plexiglass to the establishment of the Plateau-Mont-Royal.

    “It was probably someone who appreciated the work, but who did not have the means to afford it,” added Eric Braün.

    The work of Mark Prent is a small, bronze 3 inches wide by 6 inches in height, easily recognizable with his death’s head silver and the tip of his golden. It sold for 375 $.

    Usine 106u, a gallery, a nonprofit run by the artists invites people who would recognize the work fly at a close to take it discreetly and bring her back to the gallery.

    A reward, the nature of which has not been specified, will be offered to the person who will bring the work of art whose absence was noticed on 21 march.