Lyme disease : an application for geo-tagging ticks

Health 17 July, 2017


Published the 17.07.2017 at 12h26


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Sitting in the grass, you do not stop to scrutinize your calves for fear of finding a tick attached in the process of taking your blood. But if you happen to find one, especially keep it, the science is needed.

From this Monday, July 17, the persons bitten may declare the place of the attack of the mite greedy of blood on application Reporting-ticks. It has been developed by the national Institute of agronomic research (Inra) and the Directorate-general of health (DGS) and is available free on iPhone and Android.

This application on your smartphone that fits into the project of citizen science titled ” Citicks “, inspired by a swiss initiative. It is used to collect information on the victims of the tick (human or animal), the age of the person bitten, the time and place. The context is also to inform. It will, for example, asked whether it is a walk in the woods or a picnic in the woods. These different data will be used to develop a mapping of the bites.