Sherbrooke: no tolerance for marijuana at the Fête du Lac des Nations
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Emmanuelle Corriveau
Monday, 17 July 2017 16:20
Monday, 17 July 2017 16:20
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SHERBROOKE – a few hours before the start of activities at the Fête du lac des Nations in Sherbrooke, the police have stated that they will have an eye on the festival-goers who consume drugs, including marijuana.
Even if the Trudeau government should legalize marijuana in Canada in July 2018, it will be zero tolerance again this year on the site of this large family Party.
“We will enforce the law so if people consume them, or if they are in possession of drugs such as marijuana, we’re going to have to stop it,” said Philippe Dubois, a spokesperson for the police Service of Sherbrooke.
No penalty is expected for this type of offence. However, festival-goers offenders risk serious sanctions, as stipulated in the criminal lawyer Jean-Marc Bédard : “each case is a case and people should always keep in mind that it is an illegal act”. “If the police are involved there is a strong chance that people will end up with a criminal record.”
Last year alone, 10 people have been arrested after having consumed marijuana on the site of the Fête du Lac des Nations.
Good year, bad year, close to 200 000 festival-goers enjoy six days of programming to put on.