Anti-vaccine : “My children will not have the 11 vaccines”
Published the 09.09.2017 to 18h56
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“Freedom “. They all have that word in the mouth. The opponents of vaccination and its proposed extension, mandatory are in the streets. This Saturday, they are a few hundred gathered opposite the ministry of Health, under a sky unstable. A lot of young parents. The force to inject 11 vaccines to their offspring ? Don’t count on it.
“We were received this morning in a room of the ministry, behind us, and we have confirmed that the text will go to Parliament in the autumn ! “say the organisers of the event. They wear tee-shirts orange, printed with the logo ” Together For a Vaccination Free “, the name of this association, born out of the growing skepticism in the face of vaccines. It is at the origin of the event, it has stirred wide.
Knowledge and counter-knowledge
There are those who know : vaccines are poisons, Big Pharma rubs his hands as the authorities tend. “It’s been 20 years that I am interested in the question, before, I, too, thought the vaccination. But the more we advance, the more you realize that this is a vast humbug “, enrage Blandine, 56 years of age, who holds firmly his sign ” Genetically different = different side Effects “.
Shepherd takes for his degree, the policies also. “One vaccine for the business, point. The side effects are disastrous, disabilities, number in the thousands, but lives shot up in the air, they have nothing to do, they are in denial “.
Those that are said to be “complotistes” are not the only ones to doubt the real interest of the vaccination – especially mandatory. The fathers and mothers came to protest, often accompanied by their children, are wondering, are annoyed. “It is up to me to choose what is essential for their health, the political class must stop to decide the place of the people “, getting annoyed Anne, 35, a physiotherapist specializing in pediatrics. “You know, children who come to see me all the winters for respiratory problems, are also those who have the book of health “.
The eradication of diseases ? “It is the improvement of the conditions of life that has now come to end,” she says of the tac to the tac. The recent deaths associated with the resurgence of measles ? “There are deaths from all the diseases. We are talking about lifestyle, physical activity, diet, prevention, it helps to fight against diseases, the priority is not to vaccinate “.
They denounce the passage in the strength of these vaccines are considered suspicious, would have wanted to treat the thing ” sparingly and with much thought, not like what is happening “, accuses another mother of a family. Those who have heard of the citizens ‘ consultation, to be counted on the fingers of a hand. The operation of appeasement conducted this year by the authorities has clearly missed its objective.
“There is a scientific controversy, there is the pro and the anti, summarizes François, a young father of 32 years. I have listened to the arguments of each other without any preconceptions, I found that there was a contempt enormous to the ideas of the anti. Of course, there are sometimes arguments are fallacious, but others are very serious. It is necessary to accept that there is a debate “.
The placards swaying above the crowd. “Children as guinea pigs “, ” dictatorship cynical “, ” my body, my choice “. In a climate of distrust widespread, they cite these experts that the tv shows do not invite never – Michel Georget, Serge Rader… They are talking about a toxic environment, everywhere – ” the vaccines should be banned because some pesticides ! “. The discourse of anti-vaccine federates, the moderates as the hard core. And many others who are questioning it less and less.
“Make pressure on the deputies, the senate elections are approaching, there has a card to play, one can act, we must not let them do “, says an organizer in his megaphone. Difficult to know if these new activists go farther than the street, Duquesne, but them are sure of one thing : their children, they will not have the 11 vaccines.