Europe : more than sugar-sweetened beverages in schools by 2018

Health 9 September, 2017


Published the 08.09.2017 at 16: 07


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Finished, sodas, juice, sugary, caloric beverages that punctuate the breaks and lunches of students in europe. The european federation of soft drinks (UNESDA), which represents the industry of non-alcoholic beverages, will no longer sell beverages containing added sugars in the secondary schools of the european Union, she said this week in a press release.

The commitment made by the federation, which includes among others brands Coca-Cola, Fanta, Oasis, Schweppes or Sprite – will be implemented progressively in the 28 member States of the EU. At the end of 2018, the sale of sugar-sweetened beverages in secondary schools should definitely be part of the past.

50 000 schools involved

From this date, the UNESDA will not provide more than drinks with little or no calories at these schools, she says. This should cover more than 50 000 schools and nearly 40 million young Europeans.

This policy is part of a wider strategy which aims to reduce by 10% the rate of sugar in beverages by 2020. The UNESDA has already reduced the average blood sugar level in its products of 12 % between 2000 and 2015, she said.


This contributes to a strategy of self-regulation of the sector desired by the european and national authorities. It involves a strong commitment of industrial and hides other realities.

For example, the exposure of more young people to the advertisements on sugary drinks debate continues, manufacturers are reluctant even to adopt more stringent measures.

However, we can salute this initiative which goes in the right direction, while only one third of european children are overweight (one child in five in France), and 3.5% are obese (450 000).