End of the strike at the CAMI plant GM at Ingersoll , Ontario

News 15 October, 2017
  • QMI agency

    Saturday, 14 October, 2017 18:19

    Saturday, 14 October, 2017 18:22

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    INGERSOLL, Ontario | The union negotiators Uniforms and those of General Motors have reached an agreement in principle Friday, putting an end to the strike by employees of CAMI automotive company in Ingersoll, Ontario.

    The 2,800 members of local 88 of Uniforms and equipment were out on strike last September 18 in the wake of the failure of negotiations with the employer.

    The members requested in particular to GM to recognize the plant in Ingersoll, where is produced the Chevrolet Equinox, a big seller in the niche of SUVS, the status of main producer of the vehicle.

    Uniforms and equipment has not said in announcing the conclusion of the agreement-in-principle if that claim had been accepted by the employer. The union noted that the details of the agreement will be made public after the ratification vote of its members at a date still to be determined.

    “This strike has shown to all of Canada why a free trade Agreement north american renewed must first meet the needs of the working class”, said Friday the national president of Uniforms and equipment, Jerry Dias.

    Uniforms and equipment the committee is concerned about the scale of investment in the automotive sector made in Mexico since the implementation of NAFTA. The plant in Ingersoll has already lost 600 jobs for the benefit of Mexico this year in the wake of the transfer of the production of the GMC Terrain in Mexico.