A man found lifeless near a stream

News 18 December, 2017
  • Tommy Daignault, Facebook

    QMI agency

    Monday, December 18, 2017 06:50

    Monday, December 18, 2017 06:53

    Look at this article

    WICKHAM | man 25-year-old was found without life, Sunday afternoon, near a water course that runs along route 139, Wickham, in Centre-du-Québec.

    This is a resident who was concerned about seeing footprints in the snow, headed for a secluded place, without, however, see signs of a return that alerted the police, said Stéphane Tremblay, the spokesman of the Sûreté du Québec.

    Tommy Bisaillon-Daigneault was found unconscious at around 16: 30 and his death was recorded at the hospital.

    The man’s death is considered suspicious. The poisoning could be the cause.