The waiting time is decreasing in emergencies

News 19 December, 2017
  • File Photo, Simon Clark/QMI Agency

    Patrick Bellerose

    Tuesday, 19 December 2017 12:07

    Tuesday, 19 December 2017 12:11

    Look at this article

    The number of hours waiting in the emergency room of Quebec has diminished since the arrival in post of the minister of Health, Gaétan Barrette.

    In its last report before putting the key under the door, the commissioner of the health and well-being reveals that the waiting time has decreased 5.5% between 2014-2105 and 2016-2017, after adjustment to take account of the increase of the customer base.

    In effect, Quebecers were waiting on average 9,26 hours in 2014-2015, compared to 8.75 hours in 2016-2017. These data take into account the ageing of the customer base and the number of people who show up at the yard with a priority level of ” urgent “.

    Without taking account of this adjustment, the wait time improves all the same, but more modestly, with a decrease of 2.6 %.

    More details will follow…