Death by going to buy an engagement ring

News 18 January, 2018
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    Stéphane Boyer was going to buy an engagement ring for his wife Melanie Prescott when he lost his life in a collision.

    Axel Marchand-Lamothe

    Thursday, 18 January, 2018 20:55

    Thursday, 18 January, 2018 20:55

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    The motorist who died in a collision on highway 40 in Saint-Sulpice last week was en route to buy an engagement ring to his spouse.

    “It has made me a lot of heartache when I learned it, tells the daughter of Stéphane Boyer, Jenessa, who was not aware of the plans of his father. He has done a lot of work on himself to get there. I am proud to know that his feelings were sincere. “

    The man is 52 years old, Saint-Jérôme, was going to renew it, a friend of long date in Quebec city, on 10 January when they were stamped.


    He had planned to enjoy the journey to buy an engagement ring and ask for the hand of his wife, Melanie Prescott.

    “He was gone earlier because there was the ice storm has been announced. It’s so unfair that my father, who was involved, ” says Jenessa Boyer.

    His passing is improving after having been seriously injured, but remains hospitalized, according to the family of the victim.

    The exact circumstances surrounding the fatal collision still remain to be clarified by the Sûreté du Québec, who is always looking to meet some witnesses.

    For an unknown reason, two occupants of a van that is black involved in the accident left the scene without being encountered by the police.

    “Lack of vigilance “

    The SUV of Mr. Boyer was stopped in the right lane due to a slow down when it has been snapped up for the first time by a white van.

    This same vehicle would have then smashed into the van of the two women.

    “It is a road accident, yes. Except that to go into a stopped car at that speed-there, it is really a lack of vigilance, ” sighed Jenessa Boyer.

    The vehicle of Mr. Boyer would have been hit again before rolling a.

    The investigators want to meet with these two witnesses to better understand the sequence of events.

    Stéphane Boyer is described by his friends as a man “always funny” and ” very sociable “. The tributes of the people he has met have not been slow in coming.


    “We knew that he was loved, but it was also found photos and links that we don’t know,” said his daughter.

    Passionate about music, the native of Hawkesbury, Ontario, has long criss-crossed bars of the Laurentians with its battery, then its keyboard.

    He had recently been operated on for degenerative necrosis in the hips.

    “It has affected for a long time. It was beginning to subside and get better. This is truly tragic as the situation “, finally lets down his daughter.

    Anyone with information is asked to contact the Central criminal information at 1 800 659-4264.