The mediterranean diet promotes the in vitro fertilization

Health 30 January, 2018


Published the 30.01.2018 at 12: 45 pm


Keywords :

fertilization in vitrorégime méditerranéengrossesse

Adopt a new plan to get pregnant. Researchers at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Harokopio, Athens, Greece, have interviewed a sample of women about to undergo treatment for in vitro fertilization (IVF) to know the origin of their food. They found that those who ate more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, olive oil and less red meat were between 65% and 68% more likely to get pregnant.

In total, at least one embryo has been implanted in the uterus of 229 women : for 138 of them (56%) the implantation was successful, pregnancy has followed for 104 of these women (42.6 per cent) and 99 (40.5 per cent) have given birth to a living baby. “The important message of our study is that women in need of fertility should eat healthy because a better rigour of food can help increase their chances of pregnancy and childbirth,” says professor Yiannakouris, lead author of the study.

Not a magic formula

The team notes that these results cannot be generalized to all women who are trying to become pregnant, or obese women. Researchers point out that they only show that a mediterranean diet improves the odds in case of IVF. More studies are needed to elucidate the role of diet quality in the performance of assisted reproduction, and to reveal the underlying mechanisms and develop guidelines nutritional. ”As more and more couples are facing infertility problems and sought access to assisted reproductive techniques, it is essential that they receive advice on the importance of the influences diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle,” concludes the professor Yiannakouris.