The Block against the agreements with tax havens

News 12 February, 2018
  • Photo courtesy of CPAC
    Gabriel Ste-Marie

    Boris Proulx

    Monday, 12 February 2018 16:47

    Monday, 12 February 2018 16:47

    Look at this article

    OTTAWA, The Bloc Québécois will be asked Tuesday to the Trudeau government to drop the agreements it has concluded with two tax havens.

    The Newspaper reported that Canada has signed an agreement intelligence tax with two tiny Caribbean country, Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada. The government has one month to ratify the agreement.

    Because of a detail of canadian law, companies who have subsidiaries in these countries will be able to repatriate their profits to Canada tax free.

    A motion will be filed by the member for Joliette, Gabriel Ste-Marie, asking that Canada does not grant these privileges to her two new partners. The NDP has also been described as “disgusting” this kind of agreement, Friday, in the Room.