A couple of Quebecois stuck on the island of Saint-Martin

News 10 September, 2017
  • Photo Facebook, Félix Brabant
    Antoine Brabant, and his wife Geneviève.

    QMI agency

    Saturday, 9 September, 2017 18:10

    Saturday, 9 September, 2017 18:19

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    MONTREAL – relatives of a couple from Québec, 24 years of age unable to evacuate the island of St. Martin, hard hit by the hurricane Irma, have finally had their news these last few hours.

    Félix Brabant, who is always asking the canadian government to intervene to save his brother Antoine and his wife Genevieve, has shared the fruit of their conversation on her page Facebook.


    “They are safe and have access to water, food and a generator to charge their phones,” he wrote. It’s still unclear when they will return.

    Previously, communications were impossible between Felix and his brother, especially because of the lack of electricity on the island. The latest news on Friday, the couple was practically run out of drinking water. Geneviève has also hurt her foot after stepping on a rusty nail and is unable to find a remedy against tetanus.

    “Our family has lived for a few days moments very frightening and frustrating, had written Felix Brabant on his account Facebook. My brother Anthony and his wife Genevieve are stuck in the Dutch part of the island of St. Martin.”

    With the approach of the Irma, Anthony and Genevieve have not been able to find a place on a plane. The airport was then heavily affected by the powerful hurricane.

    When the storm hit, they took refuge in the basement of their hotel in the concrete, which has been partially destroyed. The people were then welcomed to offer them a roof. Then, it’s rummaging through the rubble that Geneviève was injured.

    “We urge the government of Canada to take immediate action to evacuate Antoine and Geneviève of the island of Saint-Martin. We also ask the competent authorities to inform our family and other canadian families in the same situation of the initiatives undertaken and their progress,” asked Felix Brabant in its publication.

    “The airline has nice wanting with all his heart to repatriate, there is no airport, said Mr Brabant in an interview with TVA News. It takes the intervention of the government, may be of the army.”

    Last Wednesday, the president of the territorial Council local, Daniel Gibbs, said that the French side of the island, Dutch-French St. Martin was “destroyed 95 %”.

    The government of Canada indicated on Thursday that it relies on the airlines to allow its nationals stranded in the storm to return home in safety.

    Hurricane Jose moves in the wake of Irma and also threatens the island of St. Martin.