A lack of resources crying
Martin Lavoie
Monday, 12 march 2018 23:40
Monday, 12 march 2018 23:40
Look at this article
Just take a look at the page Facebook of the Canadian anti-fraud Centre (CAFC) to see messages from people who are experiencing difficulties to transfer the information they possess, or who are put off by the steps.
Victims of fraud who use the phone to communicate with the CAFC will have to listen to messages for about a minute before you probably hear that the lines are all busy. They will then be invited to make their report on the agency’s website.
Once on the site, however, it should be connect to have access to the form filing information. Two ways are available to the user, the sign-in partner or Gckey, which implies to invest time with issues of safety, security and manage user name and password.
“The obligation to create a key GC is a requirement for all federal departments,” explains Allan Boomhour, spokesman for the CAFC.
“In the past, we have created an email address so that users can simply transmit their information. But we have started to receive thousands of messages each week and we could not track them all, ” added Mr. Boomhour.
The CAFC has abandoned this way of doing things, for lack of means. “We need more resources to answer calls, to enter the information that is sent by our partners and to investigate complaints received online,” pleads Mr. Boomhour.
5% of complaints
The anti-fraud Centre is aware that not all victims who report the scams, and that among those who would like to do it, some are put off by the difficulty of contacting the organization. Thus, he feels “cautiously” receive only 5 % of fraud complaints in Canada.
The CAFC does not try to pin it directly to the scammers and has no role to investigate. Rather, it is a central repository of data on fraud. It also signals providers phone numbers and emails used by scammers.