A motorcyclist loses his life in Lac-Mégantic

News 10 September, 2017
  • QMI agency

    Sunday, 10 September 2017, 10:17

    Sunday, 10 September 2017, 10:17

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    MÉGANTIC | A motorcyclist of 42 years has lost the life, on Saturday evening, during a collision with a car on the rue Agnès in Lac-Mégantic.

    The accident occurred at about 22: 30. According to preliminary information provided by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), the motorcyclist would have deviated from his path to find himself on the path opposite, where he caught the full force of a car.

    Severely injured, he was transported to a hospital, where his death has been found.

    According to the SQ, it is possible that the speed played a role in this accident.

    A patrol investigation collision has been dispatched to the scene to determine the causes of this incident.