Beauty on the windowsill, or preparing for the holidays

Techno 22 January, 2018

2018-01-22 12:11

Beauty on the windowsill, or preparing for the holidays
Did not have time to plant spring bulbs in the fall: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and muscarine? It does not matter, but a great reason to force them to bloom in winter.

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Did not have time to plant spring bulbs in the fall: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and muscarine? It does not matter, but a great reason to force them to bloom in winter.

Agree, this is a miracle, when behind a window a Blizzard and cold, and you smell like a gentle spring flowers. How to force bulbs to bloom, read my article.

In order to grow tulips in the winter to the desired time, it is not necessary to keep on hand a Conservatory or heated greenhouse. It’s much easier.

Take an ordinary flower pot and fill it with garden soil (even sand). This pot plant Tulip bulbs close, and in two tiers, densely pressing them to each other. Even a small pot can fit about 20 bulbs.

Now without fanaticism pour them. Put the pot in a plastic bag, leaving a small opening for air. Put in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf. Let it be, while you won’t need the bulbs. Twice a week look in the package: ensure that land is not moldy (wider open the bag) and dried (sometimes water). One and a half to two months the bulbs will take root, and from the land start to arise sprouts.

From this moment the bulbs are pulled from the fridge and send flowers for distillation. This is called distillation because nutrients for growth and development are not taken from the earth and from the stored nutrients of the bulb.

Somewhere 2-2,5 weeks on your windowsill will rise a wonderful bouquet. Moreover, the rate of growth can be controlled: if the holiday is very close, then put the pot in a warmer spot, he’s there faster bloom, but the leaves will be pale and elongated, and the flowers are dull and not bright.

So keep in mind that the slower the flower in a cool light place, the brighter and stronger it will be and the longer it will stand.

The holiday has come? Cut flowers and give. But the whole blooming pot to give.

You can not only tulips grow and melkolukovichnye crocuses, muscarine, Scylla or Pushkin.

These flowers bloom after the fridge in less than a week, and the pot almost before your eyes by bloom real flower-bed of bright flowers in spring.