Experts managed to develop a new tool in the fight against insomnia

Techno 10 January, 2018

2018-01-10 11:19

Experts managed to develop a new tool in the fight against insomnia
Scientists have managed to develop a special cooling wrap for the head, which provides coolness to the brain and improves sleep quality.

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Special cooled bezel for the head will help victims of insomnia, reports Rus.Media.

This device constantly delivers liquid coolant to the forehead to cool the area of the brain that plays a key role in the phase of deep sleep.

Scientists have managed to develop a special cooling wrap for the head, which provides coolness to the brain and improves sleep quality. It is argued that this is a fundamentally new device for the treatment of insomnia. The headband should be worn at night. He constantly pumped liquid cooling coming to the front of the head and forehead.

The basic idea of the device is the cooling of the frontal cortex – areas of the brain that plays an important role in the regulation of sleep.

Studies show that this area is more active, victims of insomnia, so, theoretically, cooling of the forehead will reduce hyperactivity and falling asleep.

Researchers have conducted experiments involving 106 patients, which showed the safety and efficacy of the device in the treatment of insomnia. In the US, the device has already received approval from the Sanitary control of food and medicines.

Insomnia is a problem falling asleep or wakefulness for a long period of time, which prevents feel fresh and rested the next morning. According to statistics, this disorder affects every third inhabitant of the Earth.

In most cases, the causes of insomnia are stress and anxiety, but it can also be the consequence of chronic disease or side effect of any prescription medication.

Insomnia is usually treated through changes in lifestyle or potent sleeping pills from the group of benzodiazepines that have a lot of side effects.

A new device devoid of any side effects, it is linked with a special bedside temperature controller that cools the fluid and provides the flow to the rim for the head.