«Green» light for premium travel: a special travel guide is being developed for tourists

News 18 July, 2024

The Green Travel Guide is a project by the Architecture Award ARCHIWOOD and construction company ROSSA RAKENNE SPB.

It is a travel guidebook that features eco-friendly and comfortable holiday destinations in Russia. Its main purpose is to promote ecotourism and to help tourists find the most picturesque corners, interesting routes and regional attractions, accredited hotels, and real farm products.

The guide is the first such experience in Russia and emphasizes a “green” concept with easy navigation and up-to-date, structured information.

The guidebook is developed based on careful planning and attitude to nature and the environment, with everything selected by experts and checked for compliance with environmental principles.

Alexander Lvovsky, Head of the Moscow office of ROSSA RAKENNE SPB: “Our company in love with nature. For many years we have been working on wood – a unique building material, thanks to which you join a new, healthy lifestyle. Many of our clients are true followers of wildlife, clean air and eco-friendly recreation. We believe that everyone who uses the advice of the Green Guide will see Russia in fresh colors, discover unexpected routes, and look at iconic places in a different way.”

Anastasia Fetisova, Head of the project Green Travel Guide, ARCHIWOOD marketing lead, notes: “We have experienced the philosophy of eco-style of life, which is chosen by more and more people around the world. Beautiful nature, comfort of country hotels, real farm products help modern people to slow down the pace and get a taste of real life. The development of ecotourism is now one of the priority areas, so we try to inspire and support entrepreneurs working in this area.”


Untouched corners of nature, breathtaking views of extraordinary beauty, silence and harmony, precious moments alone with yourself… The Green Guide will feature dozens of ecological routes. All of them are distinguished by a well-thought-out concept and logistics, safety and comfortable living conditions.

Currently, the share of ecotourism in the global tourism market is already about 20%. This direction of the tourist industry is becoming one of the leading ones in our country. Russia has a unique natural heritage, based on its the territories represent almost all the climatic zones of the planet – from Arctic to subtropical. The landscapes are so diverse and amazing that 11 sites are included in the UNESCO World Heritage

The deepest lake on the planet and the largest freshwater lake on the continent is Lake Baikal. Deep mountain rivers, mysterious caves and rocks covered with legends, cedar forests in the Altai. The land of countless lakes – Karelia, whales, ocean, fjords, pristine nature and absolute exoticism in Chukotka. Mountain ranges with caves, underground rivers and lakes, picturesque sea coast, relict forests and parks of the Crimea. Majestic mountains of the Caucasus. Harsh beauty and the pursuit of the northern Lights in the Arctic. Huge glittering glaciers, polar bears and reindeer, underwater volcanoes and Arctic climate mysteries.


Contrary to popular belief, an ecological trip can be not only beautiful and unusual, but also quite comfortable. For accommodation, tourists are offered premium eco-hotels that have passed the accreditation of ROSSA RAKENNE SPB and ARCHIWOOD. At the service of travelers are premium hotels and guest houses that meet the requirements of our company: a harmonious combination with the natural environment, natural materials, soft colors, maximum convenience.


Ecotourism is the road to human health. This means that the food should be appropriate. The menu of our tourists includes only natural, farm products and national cuisine. Also, no one canceled the fish soup cooked on a campfire in camping conditions, or meat cooked on a spit in the Caucasus mountains. During the eco-trip, tourists will learn about the production of Adyghe cheese and local southern wines, taste real Siberian dumplings, Ossetian pies, kulebyaku and khinkali, taste the freshest Kamchatka crabs, as well as Russian tinctures and mead, visit apiaries. The routes will include restaurants with unique cuisine for a particular region. Russia – one of the most multinational countries in the world. About 200 nations live on the territory of the country, each of them is proud of its own traditions. All these peoples are united by one thing – hospitality and cordiality.


ARCHIWOOD is the most authoritative and remarkable project in the sphere of Russian timber architecture.ARCHIWOOD Contest for the best log homes and wooden structures was established in 2009.The Award is held annually – among the participants are the objects that are built up on the territory of the Russian Federation during a year, or those that are created abroad in case a Russian architect is involved. The professional jury is formed from the leading architects and architectural critics on representation of the members of the Advisory Council. The unique experience of the Award, acquired by years of existence, became the basis of an absolutely new structure – ARCHIWOOD business community. The union of the best Russian and foreign architects, builders and house manufacturers in one team contributes to the complex solution of any complicated task. First of all, it refers to the construction of a modern country house.

The future plans of the guide’s creators include the release of special eco-maps of the traveler with discounts and bonuses, the development of a mobile application, and the launch of an Internet portal.