Himself a psychologist, or 4 psychological tasks for all each day

Techno 27 September, 2017

2016-04-11 08:55

Himself a psychologist, or 4 psychological tasks for all each day
All the people on the planet – a psychologists. All – regardless of gender, age, education, and cultural and intellectual level of development.

Why? Psychology, if you look closely, is everywhere: in school, in work, in family, in communication and interaction with people, children – the life of any man, glad he is that or not, just riddled with psychology.

From early childhood to old age, all people, in fact, just do what you’re trying to solve a variety of psychological tasks before them puts life. The same pattern is observed not only in the scale of life, but on a scale of one day, and even at the scale of one hour. A good psychologist is a person who has learned these tasks successfully solved, it is absolutely not important, he has a diploma or not.

What kind of job? Why are they important and why we should try to solve? If you try to generalize and organize a variety of psychological tasks of our daily lives, we can distinguish 4 main (key) from which to derive all others.

Problem # 1. To understand yourself.

What does it mean to understand yourself? First, to understand yourself means to recognize your emotions, States, feelings and thoughts, and to understand their cause. Second, the means to determine their capabilities and limitations, advantages and disadvantages. Thirdly, understand yourself, is to understand who you are and what you want from this life.

What a person needs to understand themselves? In order to be able to intelligently build their lives and destiny and consciously direct them in the desired direction. The people who these issues in their lives do not pay enough attention, are very rarely successful and never truly happy. “I do not know where to sail to, no wind is favorable.”.

Conversely, people who have dealt with the question “Who am I (th) and what I need?”, life becomes much easier and calmer. Because there is clarity, it becomes clear where to go and what to do.

Here is an example of a few typical situations that confront human task:

Classification of cockroaches in the head. What was Vostan time popular pastime of finding yourself in psychological problems, fears and complexes. Its internal enemies need to know “in person”! Classes though strange, but definitely useful, especially if I revealed cockroaches will be a serious correction-educational rabota.

* Overcoming your own laziness. In order to deal with your own laziness, you must first understand its causes. “Why I can’t bring myself to start to do something (exercise, cleaning, annual report, new life), despite the fact that realize that this needs to be done? What is the reason that I don’t want to do that? “How this cause will be recognized correctly by us, will depend on how effective the chosen method of its overcoming. (Read more about Leni we will discuss in a separate article).

* Identify reasons of his irritation. “Why I am so annoyed when (husband-wife, child, boss, coworker, neighbor, parents) does something or says? Or even annoying simple fact of its existence, “to Clarify the causes and mechanisms of their irritation? Is the first and most important step to get rid of this” toxic “emotions, which” eats “an incredible amount of our energy and spoils our lives and others. For this purpose, first of all, you need to understand what in you is reacting with irritation to people and events. Irritation is YOURS? Hence the reason for it lies in you! Sort yourself out.

To understand yourself means to take the first step to begin consciously and purposefully changing your life for the better. If you approach this task seriously and responsibly, positive changes in your life will not keep you waiting! By the way, when you want to understand yourself becoming very strong, many do not stand up and decide to become pschology.
No. 2. The task is to UNDERSTAND others.

From childhood a person is “immersed” (often unwittingly) in a very close and intensive interaction with other people. Kindergarten, then school, then College, then work – and everywhere people, people, people. And all you constantly want something, and you, in turn, always want something from them. In order to properly interact effectively with people: to communicate, to work, to relax, it is imperative to understand who they are, how they work, what motivates them, what they breathe and what we live for. Or, in psychological language, we need to understand the peculiarities of their character, their motives and actions, cause and content of their emotional experiences, their beliefs about the World and people, etc. And again life examples.

* Why are some people always late? People can be late for different reasons. Because of basic lack of organization, using can poorly developed perception of time (not “friends” over time). Or maybe it’s unconscious, unintentional resistance from their side? Or wilful disregard of my interests? They just think their time is more valuable than mine, and their Affairs are more important than mine? Before how to react to these delays (to resent, to be offended, to fight or to accept) we need to understand the reasons for each specific case (a familiar person).

* Why can’t people get rid of Smoking habits? This lack of willpower or tobacco as a drug is very strong? Scientists have proved that the physiology of tobacco dependence plays a minor role. Smoking is a psychological, not physiological dependence. And in spite of this, frequently to quit Smoking, willpower and medication may not be enough. In order that the attempt was successful, we need to understand what needs and problems is associated with Smoking in humans, as it is incorporated into the psychological structure of his activity.

Why do some people gravitate to the extreme? It’s stupid and absolutely pointless, every time to risk the most valuable thing a man can have – HIS LIFE. Before to hang on to these people the label of “bezbashennyh adrenaline junkies”, you must understand what makes them tick. Maybe this way they challenge their own fear and this is the only way to deal with it? Or may be constantly challenging your fear, they deliberately harden their character. May be such that initially ( “naturally”) the need for “thrills” of these people is so strong that extreme sport is the only constructive way.

* Why people are suffering (experiencing negative emotions) because of all the bullshit? Why one and the same event or news is a real emotional “explosion” of one person and leaves almost indifferent to the other? First, because of the physiology and characteristics of the nervous system some people are naturally more emotionally sensitive than others. Secondly, people emotionally react to the situation, and his own interpretation (vision) of the situation.

For some, job loss is a disaster, the collapse of all life plans and depression, and for someone – an opportunity to relax, “reboot” and start finally to do with my life what has been long dreamed of.

We appreciate the problem the other person dumped the prism of their experience, and often it seems to us that the other few dramatizes their situation. Dramatizes due to their incorrect interpretation. And if we want to help and support, you should try to look at the situation through his eyes.
To understand others is a very important condition for normal interaction with people. To interact and communicate with people based on understanding their character, emotions and motives much easier and more productive. If you approach this task seriously and systematically, the quality of relationships with others will begin to significantly improve right before your eyes.

Task №3. To manage yourself.

Have you ever thought of the fact that man is the only living being on the planet Earth, which can arbitrarily (at their own request and at own will) to control their activity, their behavior and their condition? All the other creatures of this competitive advantage is denied.

Have you ever thought about the fact that man is the only creature that savesonnet themselves and can observe their thoughts, emotions and behavior? These two unique abilities impose on us certain obligations: best in good faith to understand and know yourself. Cm. Task number 1) and use the acquired knowledge to the conscious control of yourself – your body and organism, their States and emotions, his intellect and creativity, and many others ,

In fact, when talking about self-improvement, most often talking about the skills of authorities. Without the acquired skills of self-conscious people are rarely successful and effective. And without the realization of the aspirations to self-improvement, he is never truly happy – happy people, people who have achieved excellence in managing their own abilities.

Here are examples of what can be controlled and why to do it.

Control of his body. When you watch the performance of talented acrobat, gymnast or dancer, experiencing delight and wonder to their skill. At the same time, looking at them one can understand that the ability of a person to control their body and their movements are truly endless. The same feelings and thoughts you experience when you watch and listen to the virtuoso musician – it seems incredible that a person can master their fine motor skills and so to possess a tool. To feel your body and be able to manage it is extremely necessary skills for successful activities in various fields, and for maintaining Wellness and good health. By the way, one of the most well-known methods of formation of these skills is yoga, which, in addition to these two, forming another amazing skill – management skill and self regulation of physiological processes: blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, deep muscle relaxation, etc.

* Emotional self-regulation. Our emotions and our emotional States are constant companions in our life. Someone inclined them stronger, who weaker. Sometimes they are very strong and literally “flooding” our consciousness, causing to lose control over their words and actions. As background to our activities, emotions can facilitate it (interest, excitement, enthusiasm), and significantly prevent (frustration, fear of failure, boredom). In addition, long stay in a strong and negative emotional state can be a source of psychological trauma and a factor in the occurrence of somatic diseases. In this regard, it is vital to have in your Arsenal several methods of emotional self-regulation and regularly use them. Such methods today we know quite a lot, and I will devote a separate article to them.

Management of intellectual-cognitive processes. Did you know that one of the main factors of success is the skill of arbitrary concentration? This skill provides a maximum (with high efficiency) the inclusion of our brain in the decision of any complex task or problem.

Equally important focus is on the quality and speed of learning. The good news is that this skill is not innate ability – it is almost completely trained and appropriate methodology for its development is.

Also there are quite a number mnemotechnic for the development of the quality of memory that your strong desire with absolutely ordinary memory can make outstanding. In addition, there are a large number of technologies “flow” of intelligence and thinking, allowing to optimize the process of solving a variety of intellectual and creative tasks.

* Sometimes to achieve the desired result, the person may lack motivation. And then come to the aid of technology Samatov, when a man alone is trying to strengthen the strength of your motivation or change its quality and content.

Also man himself is able to form a certain motivation, such as achievement motivation, which is formed as a result of the positive experience of overcoming all possible difficulties and obstacles. Sometimes there are situations when the existing motivation is redundant, and it needs to relax. Is “paramotor” people are also unproductive, as “negamoon”.

“Learn to control yourself”, he wrote in the letter of Onegin to Tatyana. A man who knows how to manage their the body and their physiology, their emotions, desires and your mind truly great and Krut! For this person there are no impossible tasks and there are no unsolvable problems. But most importantly, with the requisite effort, we can become that person – it is in our power, the Main thing – desire!

Task №4. To influence others.

Man lives among men and is associated with them. From other people: their actions, behavior depends on the satisfaction of his desires and needs. And that these desires are met, a person is forced, somehow, to influence others and control their behavior.

This task is difficult because the people we need to influence their desires, their interests and their plans. But, nevertheless, life challenges us every day many times.

Therefore, people need to constantly convince and persuade, to intrigue and motivate, control and direct, to punish, and to coerce – that is, to influence them. And again examples.

To force to persuade the child to clean his room. Any normal child, of course, to put it mildly, is not eager to get out. How to convey to the mind of the child that the order is absolutely necessary household and work load? Or you strongly not to bother with his mind and make him order the relentless pressure carrot and stick? Or no stick, but only with the help of sticks? And here we come to the aid of pedagogical psychology with all its very rich Arsenal of recommendations and techniques of educational influence.

To manage the audience’s attention. Public speaking, reports, presentations – all this, if we want aplodismenti requires management skills and shift the attention of the audience. You need to hold the audience’s attention “in good shape”, not allowing him to escape. You need to constantly drum up interest and intrigue to constantly switch from one form of material into another, use humor, create a dialogue with the audience and much more. If this is not done, a large part of what you want to convey to the audience the “slip” past their consciousness, as if you were logical and consistent in presenting the material.

We all, without exception, every day faced with various psychological problems. We are so used to it that often make it “automatic”: the path of least “resistance” following our habits, guided by our life experience.

Meanwhile, life puts us not in order to annoy or bother, she puts them to ensure that we constantly developed and improved physically, and spiritually personal. In these problems contains a huge potential for your growth and development – most importantly, not be afraid of them decide to not be lazy and make their decision a conscious effort.

Supported by knowledge of psychology? Of course! Psychology is a industry that equips us with knowledge about ourselves and about people, and this knowledge is vital for the successful solution of various tasks of life and improve the quality of our lives. Psychology is a industry that equips us with knowledge for our personal development, indicating where, how and with what do we better grow and develop.

To attract the attention of the audience. Public speaking, reports, presentations – all this, if we want aplodan requires management skills and shift the attention of the audience. You need to hold the audience’s attention “in good shape”, not allowing him to escape. You need to constantly drum up interest and intrigue to constantly switch from one form of material into another, use humor, create a dialogue with the audience and much more. If this is not done, a large part of what you want to convey to the audience the “slip” past their consciousness, as if you were logical and consistent in presenting the material.
We all, without exception, are daily faced with various psychological problems. We are so used to it that often make it “automatic”: the path of least “resistance” following our habits, guided by our life experience.

Meanwhile, life puts us not in order to annoy or bother, she puts them to ensure that we constantly developed and improved physically, and spiritually personal. In these problems contains a huge potential for your growth and development – most importantly, not be afraid of them decide to not be lazy and make their decision a conscious effort.

Supported by knowledge of psychology? Of course! Psychology is a industry that equips us with knowledge about ourselves and about people, and this knowledge is vital for the successful solution of various tasks of life and improve the quality of our lives. Psychology is a industry that equips us with knowledge for our personal development, indicating where, how and with what we can best grow and develop.

And if you have their own to solve the problem does not work, you can’t find an answer or solution, although tried many times, it means that your life psychological experience simply not enough. And here you have two options: either to engage in psychological self-education (what you are now reading this blog, I hope to do:) or you can seek the advice of a professional psychologist. Which of these options is preferable to you.