How much does it cost to study medicine ?

Health 30 August, 2017


Published the 30.08.2017 to 15.25


Keywords :

studies médecinePACESANEMF

The studies of medicine are not free. Far from it. The first edition of the indicator of the cost of the return of the national Association of medical students of France (Anemf) estimated expenses 5 749 euros for the first year medicine (PACES), and 4 026 euros for students in the third year. A high cost that results in an inequality between students from wealthier and those from families in precarious.

To analyze the cost of the new school year, the Anemf imagined a student type (non-stock and having left the family nest) in the paris region and in the province. First observation : the students in the île de france’s interests to have put aside their pocket money, as well as received on their birthday and at Christmas.

The weight of the category private

For a young graduate with integrating the PACES in the Ile-de-France, the cost of the new school year is around 6 000€, from 4 489 € in the province. This difference is primarily related to the costs of the preparatory classes private become almost indispensable to the students.
The entrance exam in the 2nd year of medicine is, indeed, very difficult, only 17 % of the carabins are selected at the end of the contest. To succeed, they are therefore ready to utilize these structures, which organise contest white, of course updated and the record corrected.

But, in fact, all students can’t afford these schools. “The registration for one of these category private represents on average 25 times the amount of the registration fee to the university in Paris to non-scholars, and 18 times in the other regions “, denounces the Anemf.

The pressure of competition

An inequality is found also in the 3rd year of medicine. At this stage of the curriculum, students are already preparing for tests classantes national (ECN) that they will pass 3 years later. Assistance in preparation of the exams is about 2 260 euros in the Ile-de-France and 1 526 in the region.

For all of these students are in addition, between 930 and 1,100 euros for costs of everyday life such as rent, package phone and transport.

“These various issues highlight the importance, sometimes neglected the social factor to the success of graduate studies. The ANEMF will not integrate these considerations into its wide national consensus on the second cycle of medical studies, ” says the organization.