How to eat in winter, tasty and healthy

Techno 5 February, 2018

2018-02-05 17:35

How to eat in winter, tasty and healthy
Winter nutrition.

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Features nutrition in winter, reports Rus.Media. What vitamins and minerals should be in the diet so that the immune system overcame winter depression and all its associated diseases.

In winter our body is necessary to maintain immunity, to ensure proper heat transfer and prevent dehydration of cells. The immune system in the winter wanes, so does the metabolism. Share with you recommendations about what’s important to add in your daily diet, to be healthy and to always be cheerful and energetic!

Vitamins for winter food

Try every day to eat 5 different vegetables and fruits in the dishes separately, and is best in its raw form – if it turns out. You can use frozen fruits, berries and vegetables: they still have even more vitamins than those that are kept fresh.

The dried fruit retains all the vitamins and minerals in dried apricots, prunes, raisins, pears and apples. If you mix them with nuts and honey, the body will be able to obtain a complete set of nutrients, digestion will improve and in General is just delicious! The best fruit in the winter is citrus, because they lasts longer vitamin C. Besides him, in sauerkraut, for example, is lactic acid, vitamin K and b vitamins If you cook this cabbage salad by adding berries, dried fruit, vegetable oil, you get a very tasty and healthy.

Vitamins A and E are also needed in the winter, especially our skin – because she suffers from the cold and wind. It is known that vitamin A are carrots, but to assimilate the essential fats, so cook carrots with sour cream, cream or vegetable oil. Vitamin D is mostly generated only by sunlight, but the winter light is very small. However, try to be on the street during the hours when the sun is shining brightly, and to substitute him at least the face, neck and hands, and also eat cod liver oil, oily fish, eggs and dairy products.

Winter food: hot food

A hot meal is especially important in the diet in winter, moreover, it will create a feeling of comfort and will easily survive a temperature of minus. Nutritionists recommend for Breakfast to replace conventional hot sandwiches, and even better to cook porridge, candied fruits, nuts, a piece of butter, without fear of increasing calories. At lunch be sure to eat a serving of hot soup. You can add to the soup a piece of meat, or hot meals made from beef, Turkey, fish.

Almost all nutritionists in winter conditions and frost recommend eat fat, it is more useful than meat, if you know moderation (1-2 pieces). Why? Because it contains an amino acid that enhances the immune system! Fat contrary opinion is not harmful, which is not true of pork.

Winter snacks

Generally, you need to eat about 6 times a day, and 3 of those 6 meals should be small snacks. You can arrange a light brunch between Breakfast and lunch, snack between lunch and dinner and also eat something useful for 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, not to go to bed, dreaming of sandwiches. However, you should not replace perekoshennyy main meals.

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania offered the perfect snack for those who suffer from stress, and monitor their. It turned out that an ideal dish for a good mood walnuts.

How to eat in winter, not to gain weight

Do not “nibble” on chocolate and sweets, craving for which is most often wakes up at this time. It is best to eat fruit: kiwi, bananas – they are great substitute for sweets;

It is advisable to drink plenty of water. Often people perceive a lack of fluid in the desire to eat something sweet, but in order to satisfy his appetite enough to drink a glass of water;

You cannot eliminate carbohydrates because they are needed to maintain mood, however sweets is best to replace the fruit;

Lunch have to be without the fried;

Tea and coffee should be drunk without sugar, because it is quickly absorbed and affects your weight;

Instead of mayonnaise it is desirable to use sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

A variety of winter food

Try to make the menu as diverse as possible. Products it is advisable to alternate every day: oatmeal in the morning every day to do a range of cereals, to squeeze the juice from different fruits and vegetables, to change bread and meat dishes. Such a variety of dishes and the fractional principle meal will provide your body with enough energy for active life in the winter time.

And finally, another tip: as the sugar easily washes away from the body vitamins, winter diet should be based on natural sweeteners: syrups, honey, etc, all with hard-won nutrients worked at full force and protect our body from illnesses and the winter Blues.