Husband vs second child: tricks how to convince him

Techno 21 February, 2018

2018-02-21 13:15

Husband vs second child: tricks how to convince him
Are you happy in marriage, you have a wonderful kid growing up, but one child not enough for you and want to “go for second.” You decided to discuss this topic with my husband… and here’s the surprise – the second half does not want to support you, him and one child is enough.

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Many men fear that will not pull a second child, especially if the financial wellbeing of the family leaves much to be desired. It is understandable – the unstable situation in the world, the crisis, unemployment… You will have to go on maternity leave, so money in the family would have to earn only husband. He might have to get a second job or find a job. The only thing you can do in this case – to think carefully and put their “Want a second child!” as long as financial resources do not improve. And on the housing question should not be forgotten – you will have to change the flat, because with two children to live in a small apartment or flat is cramped, reports Rus.Media.

To give birth to a second child and subsequent children, when the family barely make ends meet- it is selfishness on the part of parents.

Before all this all helped, and now all paid. Children is expensive and they should not only be based on “Want!” “And there she gave birth to a second and nothing!” “Mom said that a family with one child is not a full family”, “Everyone keeps asking me – when we go for a second, and I have nothing to answer,”… the Birth of children should be supported by reliable financial situation.


It happens that the first child was taken from you both a lot of strength and energy, because he was restless and had some health problems. It is clear that people want to live quietly, to himself, spend more time with you and not listen to a daily crying baby and no sleep. To accuse him of this is not necessary.

Everyone wants to rest, that’s your husband as they grow older firstborn relaxed, accustomed and started to enjoy fatherhood, and you do want all the buzz to break off the second child.

The only thing you can do is to promise my husband that won’t limit his freedom and to bring to the care of the child. But before you promise, think about whether you will be able to cope with a newborn, to perform household tasks and take care of the second child? If your maternal instinct is stronger than the difficulties, you will be able to convince my husband to have another baby. Only then do not complain that her husband does not help you, and you pull a family and a life of their own.


The man in the head could be quite a moral way, in that one child is enough, that it’s easier to live, less responsible, more free time left over. This is especially true of families where the first born boy and men who grew up in a family without brothers and sisters.

They don’t understand how great it is when the child has someone to play with, have someone to lean on except my parents and have someone to ask for advice.

Or, on the contrary, the husband grew up in a very large family, where older brothers and sisters wore younger that money is never enough, that parental attention to children is also not enough, my husband and decided I didn’t want a repeat of their fate for their children.


Many men do not want to have a second child since lost interest in his wife and first child to them rather a burden than a welcome and long-awaited son. Here anything difficult to do, the only thing you can do is gently and subtly work on his attitudes.

And better with this issue to seek help from a psychologist – he sure will find common ground with her husband and change his opinion in relation to the children.


The first thing to do is to talk to my husband. No shouting, ultimatums, blackmail and tantrums. Calmly evaluate and weigh. A conversation can change a lot – as people may want a second child and you to abandon this idea.

Remind your husband that the child will not appear the next day and that his birth takes time. Many men forget about it, but 9 months is a long time for everything to prepare.

Since you already have a first child, most things to buy a newborn and do not need. Surely you have strollers, crib, highchair, baby bath, toys, clothes, playpen and other children things. Tell your husband about it, because it will seriously relieve the financial condition.

Convince husband, that you won’t love him less. He is not afraid to become unnecessary and will get in the way. Because with the first child you somehow managed to cope with the second. Yes, it will be hard, but the important thing is to do everything together and not abandon each other in difficult times.


When the entreaties, arguments, tips and advice of psychologists don’t help, you can resort to womanly wiles. You can only do this in case if you are sure that the man will not send you on abortion. Yes, this also happens.

Quirk # 1. If a woman is taking oral contraceptives, uses special candles or patches, can after some time to take a break in protection. The main convince her husband that other methods of contraception unacceptable to you (a condom, for example, makes you uncomfortable). Having done everything correctly, you can get pregnant after 3-4 months and asked her husband “How did it happen?” do uncomprehending face and tell me that you don’t know how it happened.

Quirk # 2. If you are not using any contraception, but simply to interrupt the sexual act, you, waiting, when the man after sex go into the shower, collect his sperm in a sterile syringe and introduced into the vagina. Only you have not more than 15 minutes, since 2 minutes, the chances of getting pregnant is greatly reduced, because the sperm die in the fresh air.

Quirk # 3. Some advise to pierce the condom but it helps few people. The hole from the needle will be seen in a box of contraceptives in bright light, so before sex to create an intimate setting and dim the light. If the man catches you on this, to trust you not having sex anymore didn’t want to.

Quirk # 4. If the man is sure that 3-4 days before and after menstruation are considered “safe days”, you can safely proceed to have sex without protection. Certain categories of pregnant women in the critical days, so that you can try. Maybe you also belong to this category of women.