Lively debate on the 21 cats in the municipal council
Dave Parent
Monday, 12 march 2018 23:34
Monday, 12 march 2018 23:34
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The case of the lady with 21 cats has facilitated the meeting of the municipal council of Saint-Eustache on Monday evening. The police had to intervene to calm down some angry citizens.
Approximately 85 citizens attended the council. Several of them were on-site to support Nathalie Doucet, who must dispose of 19 of his 21 cats following a judgment of the court of appeal in a case between the City of Saint-Eustache.
“For me, this problem could have been dealt with long ago, with good will and openness […] But Ms. Doucet has refused to consider any other avenue than that to keep all his cats in his half-garage until their death “, said mayor Pierre Charron.
It did not seem to have appeased the spirits, as in the question period, they were many to denounce the decision of the City to enforce its regulations.
“How would you, Mr mayor, if you were asked you to get rid of your children ? “, has questioned Theresa Cloutier, a citizen who comes to the aid of stray cats. The lady has been heckled by a party of the citizens present.
A police officer then intervened to calm down the people after that Ms. Cloutier and the other residents are invectivés.